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I come from a hardworking, humble family—my father, a fifth-generation Texan, drove a school bus, and my immigrant mother worked as a maid for wealthy families. They taught me that real change comes from grit, determination, and looking out for one another. They also taught me that when everyone has the same opportunity, we all succeed together.


Whether I was substitute teaching in underfunded public schools, fighting for working families, or directing an educational nonprofit, I’ve seen firsthand how much stronger we are when our communities are supported. That’s why I’m running—to ensure that every Texan, no matter their background, has access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunity. These issues aren’t just political talking points—they’re personal. And together, we can build a Texas that works for all of us.


Women's Rights & Reproductive Healthcare

Her Body, Her Future

As a 28-year-old woman who dreams of starting a family, the current state of reproductive healthcare in Texas makes me feel unsafe. Texas’ total abortion ban forces women to seek dangerous or illegal options. I’ve heard stories like Kate Cox’s, a woman who was carrying a pregnancy with a fatal diagnosis but had to leave Texas to get the care she needed. It’s terrifying to think that, even if my life was at risk, Texas laws would prevent me from receiving care. This isn’t just about abortion—it’s about feeling safe to plan my future.


Incumbent’s Record:

  • Voted for Senate Bill 8 (2021), the six-week abortion ban, effectively outlawing abortion even before most women know they're pregnant.

  • Supported House Bill 1280 (2021), the "trigger law" that went into effect after Roe v. Wade was overturned, criminalizing almost all abortions.

  • Backed efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, stripping crucial healthcare services for millions of women across Texas.


  1. Restore Reproductive Rights: I will fight to bring back protections for safe, legal abortion in Texas and ensure women have access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare.

  2. Healthcare Freedom: Push for legislation that protects the doctor-patient relationship, ensuring medical decisions are made between patients and healthcare professionals, not politicians.

  3. Family Planning Support: Expand access to affordable contraception and fertility treatments so that women can plan their families on their terms.

Public School Funding & Education

Funding our Future

As an educator and nonprofit director, I’ve taught in districts where schools are being shuttered due to underfunding. Five elementary schools in our district have closed, leaving students displaced and communities fractured. I’ve seen first-hand how Texas' unequal school funding forces some schools to thrive while others barely get by. I’ve dedicated my career to ensuring every child gets the education they deserve, regardless of where they live.


Incumbent’s Record:​

  • Voted against increasing the per-pupil allotment in public schools, leaving Texas students with one of the lowest per-student funding rates in the country.

  • Voted against federally funded, free school lunches.

  • Supported efforts to divert public funds to private schools through vouchers, siphoning money from public schools and harming students left behind​.

  • Consistently backed cuts to education funding while prioritizing corporate tax cuts over student success.


  1. Increase Public School Funding: I will advocate for a significant increase in the per-student allotment and ensure equitable distribution of resources across districts.

  2. Stop School Vouchers: Fight against any voucher systems that divert funds from public schools and prioritize privatized education over public good.

  3. Support Teachers: Raise teacher salaries and reduce class sizes, ensuring our educators have the resources they need to succeed in the classroom.

Public Safety & Immigration

Safe Communities, Strong Borders

Coming from a family of public servants who have served in the U.S. military, I understand the value of safety, security, and service to community. I also know that my own Filipino-American heritage reminds me of the struggles many immigrants face. Our immigration system is broken, and instead of focusing on community safety and integration, it often fosters fear and division.


Incumbent’s Record:

  • Voted in favor of SB4, also known as the "show me your papers" law, which allows law enforcement to question a person's immigration status during routine stops​.

  • Supported Senate Bill 1 (2021): This law allocated funds to the controversial border wall project, which has proven ineffective and wasteful, diverting resources from meaningful public safety measures.

  • Supported legislation to limit sanctuary cities, putting immigrant communities at risk and creating a climate of fear.

  • Opposed efforts to provide pathways to citizenship for Dreamers, blocking meaningful immigration reform.


  1. Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Push for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers and other undocumented residents, allowing them to fully contribute to our society without fear.

  2. End Policies Like SB4: I will work to repeal anti-immigrant laws that create division and target vulnerable communities.

  3. Community Safety: Focus on community policing strategies that build trust and collaboration between law enforcement and the people they serve, instead of fostering fear.

Labor and Economy

Dignified Wages & Work

My dad was a school bus driver who decided to organize for better wages by running for mayor of McKinney. He taught me the value of hard work and standing up for what’s right. We need an economy that works for everyone, not just for those at the top. I’ve seen firsthand how hard-working Texans are left behind by policies that favor corporations over people.


Incumbent’s Record:

  • Voted against raising the minimum wage, keeping Texas’ wage floor stagnant while the cost of living continues to rise.

  • Voted to deregulate safety regulations for construction workers

  • Supported efforts to weaken unions and workers' rights, making it harder for employees to organize and demand better conditions.

  • Voted to cut taxes for large corporations while opposing tax relief for working-class families.


  1. Raise the Minimum Wage: Advocate for a living wage so that every working Texan can afford to live with dignity.

  2. Support Workers’ Rights: Strengthen union protections and ensure workers have the right to organize for better pay and conditions.

  3. Economic Equality: Push for tax reforms that close corporate loopholes and ensure everyone pays their fair share.

The Environment & Public Transportation

Green Texas, Clean Texas

Growing up, I spent countless summers hiking and exploring the beautiful natural landscapes of Texas. But as the state continues to grow, so do the environmental challenges we face. From extreme heatwaves to the declining quality of our air and water, I’ve seen how climate change and poor urban planning are impacting both our health and our communities. I am passionate about creating a Texas where our cities are sustainable, our transportation is clean, and our natural resources are protected for future generations.


Incumbent’s Record:

  • Voted for House Bill 17 (2021), which prevents cities from banning natural gas as an energy source, stifling local efforts to transition to cleaner energy alternatives.

  • Supported Senate Bill 1261 (2021), which weakened Texas’ ability to regulate methane emissions from oil and gas operations, allowing for more pollution and harming air quality.

  • Opposed House Bill 2392 (2019), which would have expanded Texas’ electric vehicle infrastructure, keeping us behind in the push for greener, more efficient public transportation.


  1. Clean Energy Transition: I will push for Texas to lead the way in renewable energy by investing in solar and wind, and transitioning away from fossil fuels.

  2. Sustainable Cities: Advocate for holistic urban planning that prioritizes green spaces, walkability, and public transportation, creating cities that are livable and environmentally friendly.

  3. Water Conservation: Implement stronger regulations to protect our water sources, invest in modern water infrastructure, and ensure clean, accessible water for all Texans.

Common Sense Gun Safety & Reform

Protect Kids, Not Guns

As an educator, nothing is more important to me than the safety of our children. I’ve seen the fear in their eyes during active shooter drills, and I know firsthand how the constant threat of gun violence affects their ability to learn and thrive. Texas leads the nation in school shootings, and we can’t wait any longer to take action. Common sense gun reform isn’t about taking away rights—it’s about protecting our kids, our communities, and our future.


Incumbent’s Record:

  • Voted for Senate Bill 19 (2021), which prohibits state contracts with companies that restrict firearm sales, prioritizing gun manufacturers over the safety of Texans.

  • Opposed House Bill 1207 (2019), which would have mandated safe storage of firearms in homes with children, leaving many young Texans vulnerable to accidental shootings.

  • Supported House Bill 1927 (2021), also known as the "permitless carry" law, which allows individuals to carry handguns without a license or training, making our communities less safe.


  1. Universal Background Checks: I will work to pass universal background checks for all gun sales, closing dangerous loopholes that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands.

  2. Safe Storage Laws: Advocate for mandatory safe storage laws to protect children from accidental shootings and ensure responsible gun ownership.

  3. Ban Assault Weapons: Push for a ban on assault-style weapons and high-capacity magazines that are designed for war, not our schools or neighborhoods.

Technology, AI, and Innovation

Ethical Tech for All

Working at a technology consulting firm at the forefront of AI, I’ve seen how rapidly the tech landscape is changing. Our major clients—Southwest Airlines, McKesson, Blue Cross Blue Shield—all call North Texas home, and they’re using technology to push boundaries. While I’m excited about the possibilities of innovation, I also know we need strong ethical standards to ensure this progress doesn’t leave workers behind or jeopardize privacy. I believe Texas can be a leader in responsible, inclusive tech growth.


Incumbent’s Record:

  • Voted for Senate Bill 5 (2021), which focuses on expanding broadband infrastructure but does not include robust data privacy protections, leaving Texans' personal information vulnerable.

  • Opposed House Bill 2206 (2021), which would have created stronger cybersecurity protections for critical infrastructure, putting our state's security at risk in a time of increasing cyber threats.

  • Voted against House Bill 4018 (2019), which aimed to establish a commission to study the ethical impacts of AI and automation on the workforce, ignoring the potential job losses and social impacts of emerging technologies.


  1. Ethical AI Standards: I will champion legislation to create an ethical AI code in Texas, ensuring that AI is used responsibly and that workers are protected from job displacement.

  2. Data Privacy Protections: Push for stronger data privacy laws that give Texans control over their personal information and safeguard against misuse by corporations.

  3. Innovation for All: Invest in tech education and workforce development programs that prepare Texans for jobs in the rapidly evolving tech sector, ensuring no one is left behind. Fight for universal wifi across rural Texas.

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